BSDF Matlab/Octave implementation
This is the implementation of the BSDF format for Matlab/Octave. It's in good shape and well tested. Though it could do with some love from a Matlab expert to optimize the code and/or improve the implementation, e.g. by allowing custom extensions.
Download Bsdf.m and place it in a directory where Matlab can find it, e.g. by doing:
Functionality is provided via a single Bsdf
>> bsdf = Bsdf()
>> b = bsdf.encode({'just some objects', struct('foo', true, 'bar', []), 42.001});
>> size(b)
ans =
48 1
>> bsdf.decode(b)
ans =
[1,1] = just some objects
[1,2] =
scalar structure containing the fields:
foo = 1
bar = [](0x0)
[1,3] = 42.001
Class Bsdf()
This class represents the main API to use BSDF in Matlab.
Options (for writing) are provided as object properties:
- compression: the compression for binary blobs, 0 for raw, 1 for zlib (not available in Octave).
- float64: whether to export floats as 64 bit (default) or 32 bit.
- use_checksum: whether to write checksums for binary blobs, not yet implemented.
Method save(filename, data)
Save data to a file.
Method load(filename)
Load data from a file.
Method encode(data)
Serialize data to bytes. Returns a blob of bytes (a uint8 array).
Method decode(blob)
Load data from bytes.